Deciding what to wear for an interview can seem overwhelming but it should really be simple! Keep reading for interview outfit tips!
Interview Wardrobe Prep
Before even being invited to an interview you should already have your outfit ready to go. This way it’s one less thing you have to worry about beforehand. And trust me, it’s simple as long as you have the right pieces! Try your outfit on a couple days before the interview to make sure everything fits properly and is good to go.

Three-Piece Interview Outfit
The most common type of interview outfit will include three pieces. A blazer, a pant, and a blouse to complete the look. This power outfit will display confidence and coordination. Make sure each piece of this outfit fits well (nothing is skintight) and the length of the pant and blazer fit you accordingly. If you are wearing a blazer that is too big or too small or pants that are inappropriately tight, it tells the interviewer that you aren’t presenting yourself seriously. And that is NOT the type of impression you want to give simply based off appearance.

Dresses and Skirts
Dresses and skirts can be appropriate for your interview as well, but again, make sure they fit accordingly. The length of the dress or skirt should hit you right about mid to upper knee length. If you are wearing a dress or skirt and showing some leg, make sure to cover up your arms with a blazer or a cardigan. In addition, no one should be showing up to their interview in a bodycon dress or skirt, so again, make sure it’s not too tight.

Interview Footwear
You can choose to wear heels or flats with your outfit, but you most definitely should not be wearing tennis shoes. If you choose heels, you want to make sure they look professional, not too high and not a crazy color. You don’t want to wear your Friday night clubbing shoes here people! No stilettos. And make sure it’s something you can comfortably walk in. If you are doing an interview at a hospital, chances are you are going to have to do quite a bit of walking to get to where you need to be, so make sure to choose something that won’t give you blisters.
General Rule of Thumb for Your Interview Outfit
Regardless if you spend $100 on a pair of pants or $10 it doesn’t matter as long as they are fitted to you and look like they are in good condition. No fading, pilling, tears, holes, rips, stains, or any other flaw to the material. Interviewers don’t necessarily care about where you got your clothing, they care more about how you take care of what you own!
Believe it or not someone once told me that she takes the interviewers outfit and how they care for their belongings and interprets that into how that person is going to care for their work environment. This is so true people! Go to Target, find a nice blazer and a pair of slacks that don’t break the bank, get them tailored if necessary (this shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg but it will definitely translate well in your interview), and rock that interview!
You can also see if your school has an interview wardrobe closet where you can check out clothes for your interview completely free of charge!
What Not to Wear to Your Interview
Whatever you choose to wear, your outfit should NOT look like you just came from the gym or are going to run errands after. What you wear sets the mood for the rest of the interview and whether you like it or not, this is how your interviewer is going to remember you. So remember to dress the part!
For more interview tricks check out my posts on
- What to Bring to My Interview,
- Where to Search for Your Dream Job,
- Common New Grad Nursing Interview Questions,
- Interview Mistakes That Will Cost You the Job,
- How to Answer the Famous “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question, and
- Questions You Need to Ask Post-Interview
Good luck on your interview!
Also check out Adjusting to Night Shift and What to Expect Out of Nursing: Expectations Versus Reality, cause let’s be real… most of those new grad jobs start out nights.