How to Pass the NCLEX in 75 Questions

Congratulations, you graduated from nursing school! But now you have another big test, perhaps the biggest one yet, the NCLEX. The following are some tricks on how to pass NCLEX in 75 questions. Follow along, take a deep breath, and remember you got it!

Create a Study Schedule

Graduating nursing school should have given you all the tools on how to pass NCLEX in 75 questions. But let’s be real, it was a ton of information crammed into short semesters and you probably don’t remember it all! Which is why studying after graduation for the NCLEX is so important.

Once you get your test date for the NCLEX, I recommend sitting down and creating a study schedule. If you thought you had no life in nursing school, well that feeling doesn’t end until you’ve passed the NCLEX so buckle up.

One of my friends from nursing school and I scheduled out test dates around the same time and decided to sit down and create a study schedule together. We already knew we studied well together from nursing school so we figured this would work out. Our university fortunately bought us the ATI program, which was amazing, so this is where we did most of our reviewing.

Each week we would study individually on whatever topics we had scheduled. I would make notes in my ATI books on things I thought I had mastered as well as things I needed to review. I would also have a stack of flash cards next to me and anytime a lab value or something else I had to memorize came up, I made a flashcard for it. Then, at the end of each study week, we’d call each other and go over whatever we were struggling with. This way we could reteach the material to each other. After all, teaching is the best form of mastery.

Get UWorld

On top of reviewing our ATI books, we also purchased UWorld. Every day we would individually take about 100 practice questions each. While doing so, it is important to read the rationale for each question and take notes. Regardless if you got the answer correct or not.

By reading the rationale, you’re getting inside the mind of the ‘NCLEX lady’. The way she thinks isn’t necessarily going to be the way you think. Even after all those NCLEX style questions in nursing school. Reading the rationale helps train your brain to think the same way the ‘NCLEX lady’ thinks. Which will really help you when you sit down to actually take (and pass) the NCLEX. So take notes and read those rationale!


Creating a study schedule and saying you’re going to do all these things is great! Until you’re bored and tired and don’t end up sticking to it.

Having my nursing school friend keep me accountable during this time was probably what helped keep me so motivated. Honestly, it’s difficult and overwhelming! I mean where do you even begin? But having someone else come on this crazy journey of becoming a nurse with you, someone that’s in those same shoes, makes all the difference.

Stick to it

Some weeks you’re not going to reach your study goals because the content is just too dense. And other weeks you’ll end up blasting through it because it was a topic you feel you already know. And that’s fine! This will happen. Reach out to your study partner and let them know what you’re going through, the same thing is probably happening to them too. Especially if you went to nursing school together and were taught the same way.

If this happens, just look at your schedule and modify it. Take the extra time to go over what you don’t know. Make flashcards. Highlight your ATI book. Dog ear those pages so you can go back and review it. Don’t stress! You got it! 

You’re Where You’re Supposed to be

If you don’t take anything else away from this post remember this; you are where you’re supposed to be. Your prerequisites are done. You got accepted into nursing school. Those crazy hard organic chem tests and insane amount of clinical hours are over. You graduated! This is just the next step in your journey to becoming a nurse. And you’ll pass the NCLEX if you just put your mind to it!

Good luck on your journey to passing the NCLEX! Be sure to check out the following posts for more NCLEX study tips.

Once you’ve passed, come back and check out So I Passed the NCLEX… Now What? and Resume Tips And Tricks for New Grads!

Do you feel confident in knowing how to pass NCLEX in 75 questions? Comment below!

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